Managing a Search
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Have a specific question on using the system? In addition to resources here, Interfolio has a support line and detailed guides to help.
User Guide Menu
To help you navigate the search and screen process through AR, choose the user guide below that matches your needs.
Reading Applications
After logging in, go to the Positions tab and click on a position. You will see a list of applicants to that position. To start reviewing or tagging applications, select an applicant’s name. If you check the boxes next to the applicants’ names you can select multiple at one time, or you can select all applicants by clicking the box at the top of the table. This will allow you to review applicants in succession without having to return to the list, or to make changes in bulk.
To review applicant materials, check the box or boxes for the applicants you want and click the ‘Read’ button located in the blue toolbar. You will be taken to the Materials Viewer window where a menu of application materials will display on the left.