Institutional Partners


About the Advisory Committee

The Provost’s Office formed a small advisory committee of faculty and staff to conduct in-depth reviews of submitted software proposals in Summer 2018. Among other things, this group made the decision to bring Interfolio in as a finalist for on-campus presentations.


Josh Beck SSD

Dan Black* Harris

Bridget Collier Provost’s Office

Cassandra Dunn Provost’s Office

Mike Franklin PSD

Steve Gabel Provost’s Office

Elizabeth Grove* BSD

Melina Hale Provost’s Office

Ronn Kolbash Finance & Administration

Dipti Ranganathan BSD

Brian Schinker IT Services

Ted Stamatakos Legal

Theo van den Hout* Humanities

*Also a member of the Subgroup on Appointments and Promotions, a part of the Faculty Working Group on Administrative Service Improvements in the Provost’s Office.

About the Implementation Team

After Interfolio was selected, the Provost’s Office convened a large implementation team with representatives invited from across campus, including from the previous proposal advisory committee. Additional members were identified and added over time to ensure input from a wide range of perspectives. The implementation team attended regular workshops and provided feedback on the process, configuration, and unit needs.


Christine Pyra BSD

Connie Homan BSD

Dipti Ranganathan BSD

Elizabeth Grove* BSD

Farhat (Farrah) Jensen BSD

Joshua Berg BSD

Kathi Gerling BSD

Marguerite Boone BSD

Martha King BSD

Martin Feder BSD

Simona Ahmed BSD

Alyson Schumacher Booth

Chelsea Hoffman Booth

Elizabeth Scott Booth

Maureen Muha Booth

Niena Kidd Booth

Sona Margaryan Booth

Gretchen Holmes Lyons College

Katherine Karvunis College

Kila Roberts College

Norah O’Donnell College

Susan Rueth College

Sara Bigger Divinity

Ronn Kolbash Finance & Administration

Gail Rodman Graham

Ally Fary Harris

Dan Black* Harris

Jeremy Edwards Harris

Katie Meyer Harris

Evan Hayes Humanities

Jamie McCormick Humanities

Matthew Hess Humanities

Peter Gillette Humanities

Tesbih Habbal Humanities

Theo van den Hout* Humanities

Brian Schinker ITS

Mari Nakatsuka ITS

Sheri Crosby ITS

Von Tarverdi Law

Karen Afshari Law

Ted Stamatakos Legal

D’Ann Condes OI

Mariana Perlinac OI

Jessica Greenfield Hillesland PSD

Judy Garza PSD

Nita Yack PSD

Sandra Wallace PSD

Sharon Bryant PSD

Susan Hearth PSD

Heather Crews PME

Cassandra Dunn Provost’s Office

Christine Marrie Provost’s Office

Janice Cobb Provost’s Office 

Melina Hale Provost’s Office

Steve Gabel Provost’s Office

Mitchell Kittlaus Provost’s Office – Equal Opportunity Programs

Scott Velasquez Provost’s Office – Office of Affirmative Action

Josh Beck SSD

Katie Kaftanich SSD

Suzanne Fournier SSA

*Also a member of the Subgroup on Appointments and Promotions, a part of the Faculty Working Group on Administrative Service Improvements in the Provost’s Office.