About the Academic Recruitment and Careers System Project
Based on requests from faculty and staff for increased support of academic searches and other processes, the University of Chicago began investigating institutional software needs in Fall of 2017. The process solicited input from academic and administrative units on requirements for the new system and involved the work of a broad advisory committee. The Provost’s Office issued a Request for Proposals in April 2018.
In collaboration with faculty, central staff, and unit administrators across campus, the Provost’s Office led a comprehensive proposal evaluation process in Summer 2018. Interfolio emerged as the clear frontrunner, and the University licensed their full Faculty Information System, which includes a suite of modules for hiring faculty and other academics (Academic Recruitment), conducting promotion processes (Review, Promotion, & Tenure), and managing activity data (Academic Career Activities). The full suite was implemented for all academic positions at the University with the input and guidance of a cross-unit implementation team.
In addition to replacing outdated hiring software, the new Interfolio modules:
- Support unit-specific workflows without excessive customization
- Reduce burdens on faculty time, e.g. data entry, paper review, and content submission
- Improve management of faculty and OAA data throughout the academic lifecycle
- Increase accountability and reduce errors through audit trails and automation
- Improve integration with existing HR and academic systems to streamline processes
- Standardize the interface and user experience for certain core academic systems
- Improve reporting to better support unit planning, diversity goals, and compliance